Salt & Sugar Awareness

Just The Facts

20 Key Benefits of Reducing Salt & Sugar Intake


Reduce How Much You Drink

Salty foods can make you thirsty and dehydrated. High-calorie drinks like soda or alcohol may be refreshing but contains sodium. By reducing the amount of your daily sodium intake, you will have less of an urge for unhealthy drinks.

Reduce The Chance of Kidney Stones

When calcium is leached out of your body into your urine, you are at a higher risk for kidney stones. A high salt diet increases the amount of calcium your kidneys must process.

Build Stronger Bones

Salt can control how much calcium is in your bones. Calcium is important for strong bones and to prevent osteoporosis. A high sodium diet can lead to a calcium deficiency resulting in weak bones.

Change Your Palette

Consuming salty foods can damage your true sense of taste because you taste buds have adapted to a high sodium. Who doesn't want to taste food? With consuming less salt, It will take about 20 days for you taste buds to regenerate to normal.

Reduce Bloating and Swelling

A diet high in sodium causes your body to retain fluid. Bloating and swelling will diminish when you cut back on your sodium intake.

Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

A diet that is high in packaged or convenience foods will increase your chance of having diabetes

Prevent Your chance of stroke

High sodium consumption can raise blood pressure and decrease blood flow to your brain, and high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Lower Your Blood Pessure

Consuming too much salt can cause sodium levels in the blood to increase. This causes our body to hold onto more water and increases the fluid surrounding our cells and the volume of blood in our bloodstream leading to stiffening of blood vessels and increasing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Reduce Your Risk of a Heart Attack

By managing high blood pressure, you relieve the pressure and potential damage to your heart. This reduces your chance of a heart attack.

Better Vision

High blood pressure in the vessels in your eyes can lead to torn blood vessels and vision loss.


Reduce Belly Fat

Fat is associated with the consumption of sugar and can increase belly fat. Sugar increases the glucose levels in your blood, which triggers your body to release insulin to reduce the amount of sugar in your blood. . Over time, insulin encourages belly fat to accumulate.

Reduce Diabetes Risk

When consuming carbohydrates and sugar, your pancreas releases insulin to reduce amount of glucose in your bloodstream. Over time, this can deplete your body’s ability to produce insulin, which can lead to diabetes.

Sleep Better

Consuming higher levels of sugar has been linked to sleeping restless and difficulty falling asleep.

Reduce Risk of Skin Cancer

When you eat sugary foods, you may not be getting proper nutrients from whole foods that are proven to protect against non-melanoma skin cancer.

Better Skin

Consuming too much sugar can age your skin and has been associated with acne, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.

Prevent Diseases

Did you know that several diseases are linked to the consumption of sugar. They include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease and cardiovascular disease.

Weight Gain

Consuming more calories than you burn can lead to a gradual weight gain and can be extremely unhealthy for you over all well being. Eating sugary foods can often increase you calorie intake over the limit. A great way to limit sugar is to reduce the consumption of soft drinks, pies , cakes, sugary cereals, candy, etc. Replace these treats with fresh fruits and vegetables. Minimally processed or natural sugars are better for you.

Reduce Cholesterol

Consuming too much sugar can decrease the levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL) in our blood.

Better Teeth

Consuming too much sugar can allow bacteria to thrive in our mouths, enabling it to grow and cause cavities and infections.

Boost Cardiovascular Health

Triglycerides are a type of fat that moves through your vascular system. Sugar increases the levels of Triglycerides which can increase your risk of having a stroke, heart attack, or cardiovascular disease.

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